Sorrento Beach House

Nestled amongst vacation properties on the edge of Port Phillip Bay, Sorrento Beach House recalls the nostalgic, humble forms and materials of historic holiday homes. Comprising five separate pavilions arranged around a central courtyard, the house eschews the typical pursuit of capturing ocean views, instead embracing an inward focus that celebrates familial connections and supports the quiet pace of holiday living.
The simple, gabled silhouettes of the single level pavilions are reinforced by a reductive palette of weathered timber, bagged brickwork, and corrugated roofing, while their dispersal across the site carves generous opportunities for landscaping, grafting the architecture to its rugged coastal site. Finely detailed, glazed links offer a delicate counterbalance to the pavilion architecture, accentuating transitions and bolstering connections to the landscape.
Internally, lofty pitched ceilings, tailored openings, and a continuation of simple architectural materials define each pavilion, the muted tones and textured finishes crafting a serene and relaxed atmosphere. A series of private and communal spaces flexibly accommodate the changing needs of the clients over time, with the distributed plan and use of external shutters allowing for varying levels of exposure and privacy as desired.
Shallow floorplates facilitate effective cross ventilation and access to natural light, while the careful siting of the pavilions protects the central courtyard from coastal winds. Extensive onsite rainwater retention, solar panels, external shutters and ceiling fans minimise energy consumption, further extending the home’s reverence for the natural environment.